OpenVPN Server Offer Details
OpenVPN Server is a VM offer that we provide on Microsoft Azure Marketplace , AWS and Google cloud marketplace . this page contain details about that offer. OpenVPN is the most popular way to create a VPN server but it is not easy to install, so we have created a VM image that comes with a ".sh" file which will configure the VPN Server and it will run every time you log on. Important notes: If the VPN installation stops initially, you can fix it by pressing "CTRL+c" and then reconnecting to the virtual machine the Location of the VPN is the same as the Location of the VM. This VM image has the following ports opened by default [1194, 1195 for both of 'UDP and TCP' protocols] It is better to create the VM with a “static” public ip. We have made a very simple VM image that will start the VPN server configuration. ones you are logged in You can go with the defaults but it is best to set the DNS Server to to google. If you go with default settings the ...