If you’re redirected here from Microsoft Azure Marketplace or Google cloud marketplace then you're very likely to be looking for the following:
- Yaseen’s market ltd company will not take any responsibility to any problems that is related to you ignoring our privacy policy, That’s way we’ll make this page short, will written and easy to understand.
- Yaseen’s market ltd company is a small company owned by yaseen abdulsatar abdalramaagha in "London-United Kingdom".
- Yaseen’s market ltd company will never share and/or sell your information.
- Yaseen’s market ltd company will never send you an email unless it was important.
- If we did send you an email it will be from one of the following emails ,[email protected] or [email protected]
- We respect Microsoft/Google term of use and we will never violate those term of use.
- After you use any of our products we will not be responsible of any Misuse and/or any violation against Microsoft/Google term of use.
- Yaseen’s market ltd company gives you every right to change anything you want of it’s products and offers."however that does not allow you to distribute our products and offers unless with a given permission from us"
If you have any question about this Privacy Policy please contact us at our admin or support email address
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